Quote of the day : "It isn't necessary to imagine the world ending in fire or ice. There are two other possibilities: one is paperwork, and the other is nostalgia"
Please scroll down the webpage to view examples of official Commissioned Work

Miscellaneous Drudgery & Commissioned Work

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Commissioned guitar - 2016

Free hand mural in Virgin Rock Pub, Florence (Via dell'Agnolo) Italy - 2016

Free hand mural in Stella Polare wine bar, Venice (Cannareggio area) Italy - 2016

Official Reserva 90 Cartoon

Official poster for "The Adventure of Perseus" lecture on Benvenuto Cellini

Official poster for Comitato Amerigo Vespucci lecture - 2014

Official poster for Comitato Amerigo Vespucci lecture - 2015

Official Menu for Boccaccio anniversary evening - 2014

Official cartoon for Boccaccio anniversary evening - 2014

Official poster for "Exploring the Italian roots of Shakespeare" lecture - 2014

Official poster for "Colore e Civiltà" book launch - 2014

Official "Firenze Malessere" Logo Front

Official "Firenze Malessere" Logo Back

Excellent Gusto official mascot X-0 Land

Excellent Gusto official mascot X-0 Sea

Excellent Gusto official mascot X-0 Sky

Toc Toc Firenze cartoon I

Affresco I for La Posta Cafè - Vejer De La Frontera, Cadiz

Affresco II for La Posta Cafè - Vejer De La Frontera, Cadiz

mr.pastramy "LLL"


mr.pastramy "old man salad"
mr.pastramy "i singhiozzi di Beppone"

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