Quote of the day : "It isn't necessary to imagine the world ending in fire or ice. There are two other possibilities: one is paperwork, and the other is nostalgia"
Please scroll down the webpage to view examples of official Commissioned Work

Pastramy Satire

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mr.pastramy "la mia firenze pt.1"

mr.pastramy "la mia firenze pt.2"
mr.pastramy "only thirteen"
mr.pastramy "call any vegetable"

mrpastramy- a banker and his conscience(?)
mr.pastramy "the guv'nor"

mr.pastramy "prof.last adventures"
mr pastramy "hollywood dream"
"failed super hero gimmicks" mr. pastramy

mr.pastramy "la cosa nella prateria"
mr pastramy "last days of soap"

mr pastramy "social distortions"

mr. pastramy "papi, principi e re"

mr.pastramy "Free Palestine 2"

mr.pastramy "Free Palestine 1"

Miscellaneous Drudgery & Commissioned Work

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Commissioned guitar - 2016

Free hand mural in Virgin Rock Pub, Florence (Via dell'Agnolo) Italy - 2016

Free hand mural in Stella Polare wine bar, Venice (Cannareggio area) Italy - 2016

Official Reserva 90 Cartoon

Official poster for "The Adventure of Perseus" lecture on Benvenuto Cellini

Official poster for Comitato Amerigo Vespucci lecture - 2014

Official poster for Comitato Amerigo Vespucci lecture - 2015

Official Menu for Boccaccio anniversary evening - 2014

Official cartoon for Boccaccio anniversary evening - 2014

Official poster for "Exploring the Italian roots of Shakespeare" lecture - 2014

Official poster for "Colore e Civiltà" book launch - 2014

Official "Firenze Malessere" Logo Front

Official "Firenze Malessere" Logo Back

Excellent Gusto official mascot X-0 Land

Excellent Gusto official mascot X-0 Sea

Excellent Gusto official mascot X-0 Sky

Toc Toc Firenze cartoon I

Affresco I for La Posta Cafè - Vejer De La Frontera, Cadiz

Affresco II for La Posta Cafè - Vejer De La Frontera, Cadiz

mr.pastramy "LLL"


mr.pastramy "old man salad"
mr.pastramy "i singhiozzi di Beppone"